So I decided we needed a timer that would physically go DING! But we don't have a portable egg timer. The kitchen timers on the microwave aren't near the computer/tv either, so I almost went out and bought one. It was even on my grocery list.
Good thing I didn't make it to the store over the weekend because I had a brilliant flash! Why, if you google "online timer" a whole host of free online options pop up! Imagine that!
I'm really glad I didn't spend my hard earned money on a timer. So before you go spend on something you think you need, first think hard if there is a better way to get it.
- Do you have something already that would work?
- Can you locate one on freecycle?
- Borrow from someone?
- Find a free version online?
- Can you make it yourself?
- Etc
This kind of thinking saved me money. Sure a timer wouldn't have cost me all that much, but every little bit adds up. So save a little here, save a little there a little more often and your pocketbook will be much happier.